“Intent upon our mission of leading the packaging industry in innovation and efficiency, Interpress is proud to pioneer solutions which meet many longstanding packaging needs.”
It is our goal to be the Leader in Packaging Solutions
It is the goal of Interpress Technologies, Inc. to be the leader in innovative packaging solutions. We strive toward this vision with integrity and passion; focusing foremost on delivering excellent products and services in dedicated partnership with our customers. We value growth, shared knowledge, integrity, and continuous improvement in our family-like culture and our people are proud of the work they do.
With steady growth since 1989, we have gained national recognition as an innovative leader in the package converting industry. With our complete packaging solutions, Interpress Technologies is a service provider rather than just a package supplier.
Although our national reach is broad, our focus on our customers’ needs enables us to respond quickly and provide the type of dedicated support typical of much smaller companies. Whether you need assistance with a new product launch or multi-truckload, just-in-time product distribution our team will dedicate their time to help you efficiently achieve your objectives.
Quality Control
Our company-wide focus on the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) creates pride of workmanship at every level of our operation. Our customers’ project objectives are our mission and we are proud of the products and services we deliver. We work hard to eliminate waste in every phase of production, which decreases costs and increases profit margins for our customers. The efficiency of our "one-pass" manufacturing model is an example of how we are able to provide a very fast turn-around at a lower cost.
Interpress Technologies is SQF Certified providing assurance that the packaging produced has been processed according to the highest standards with food safety at the forefront. From inks and paperboard, to printing presses and forming equipment, our processes provide full traceability.
Environment and Sustainability
Interpress Technologies recognizes the importance of environmentally conscious and sustainable business practices. We believe that our responsibility goes beyond our proprietary borders. Throughout our manufacturing processes, we take steps to source raw material responsibly, maximize environmentally friendly procedures, reduce waste and minimize energy use.
All our paperboard packaging products are made with sustainably sourced paperboard from responsibly managed forests or paperboard with recycled content. We are committed to the maintenance of the Chain-of-Custody standards of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative standards (SFI). These programs are validated through an annual audit process. Throughout our manufacturing processes, we take steps to maximize environmentally friendly procedures and minimize waste and energy.
Pioneering Innovative Packaging Solutions

© 2025 Interpress Technologies, Inc.
1120 Del Paso Road
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 929-9771
595 Grupe Street
Roberts, WI 54023
(715) 808-0282
Social Responsibility
Our strict adherence to quality-driven production processes is equaled by our drive for providing a fair and safe working environment, free of discrimination, and with environment protection and sustainability in mind. With many employees having 15 to over 20 years of service with Interpress, we strive to provide a fun team-oriented work environment. Along the way, every stage of our service is designed to maximize environmentally friendly procedures and minimize waste.